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Refund Policy

Refund Policy of Superb2BUnion

At Superb2BUnion, we strive to provide our customers with the best possible experience. However, we understand that sometimes circumstances may arise where you need to return a product or request a refund. Our Refund Policy is designed to ensure that you are satisfied with your purchase and that any returns or refunds are processed smoothly.

1. Eligibility for Refunds

  • You may be eligible for a refund if you have purchased a product from us and it is defective, damaged, or not as described on our website.
  • Refunds will not be granted for products that have been used or damaged due to misuse or neglect.
  • Custom-made or personalized products are generally not eligible for refunds unless they are defective or not as described.
  • Services, such as consulting or digital products, are generally non-refundable once they have been delivered.

2. Return Process

  • If you wish to return a product, please contact our customer service team within the specified return window (typically 7-30 days from the date of receipt, depending on the product).
  • We will provide you with a return authorization number and instructions on how to ship the product back to us.
  • You are responsible for the cost of return shipping unless the product is defective or not as described.
  • Upon receipt of the returned product, we will inspect it and, if it meets our return criteria, issue a refund to the original payment method used for the purchase.

3. Refund Timing

  • Refunds will be processed within a reasonable time frame, typically within 5-10 business days after we receive and inspect the returned product.
  • Please note that the time it takes for the refund to appear in your account may vary depending on your bank or payment provider.

4. Exceptions

  • Certain products may have special return or refund policies. Please refer to the product page or contact our customer service team for more information.
  • In cases where a product is on sale or has a limited return policy, those terms will be clearly stated on the product page.